In case you couldn't tell from the incredibly boring title, I am not great at talking about myself. I always have a hard time deciding what actually makes me interesting or what people want to hear about me so I'll start with the basics. I am a senior chemical engineering major here at OU. I have three cats at home but they're a pretty new addition so I don't have any pictures yet (sad I know). I've always wanted a dog but my mom doesn't like them so here we are. I never tell anyone I'm from somewhere since my family has moved almost every three years since I can remember. To date I have lived in: Hazen, ND, Salt Lake City, UT, San Antonio, TX, Ardmore, OK, San Antonio, TX (again), Nashville, TN, Prosper, TX, and of course Norman, OK. Moving around so much gave me a lot of appreciation for new places and new people. I enjoy traveling and am not afraid to go somewhere new. After graduation, I will be moving to Memphis, TN to start my new job! (Photo...