Looking Back Looking at the progress chart I am on track to get the A I was hoping to get in this class. I definitely dropped off on the extra credit reading I wanted to accomplish. This is not a total surprise as I tend to get busy in the middle of the semester and things drop off. I am really glad that I am a week ahead in all assignments as that was my goal all along. I definitely enjoy the readings the most. Mostly I'm proud of how far I have come in my writing. It's been so long since I had done any creative writing and I am pleasantly surprised by how I've done. Looking Forward For the coming weeks, I would definitely like to stop heavy loading this class on two days of the week. I'm hopeful that I can try and spread the assignments out more reasonably throughout the week. I would also like to become more confident in my dialogue writing skills. Since I am unsure of that aspect of writing I mostly try and avoid it. Especially in my storybook, I would like t...