The Field of Boliauns
(Leprechaun with Pot of Gold from Pixabay)
Plot: A young man named Tom was on a walk when he heard a sound in the bushes. Behind the bushes was a little leprechaun with a pitcher. Tom knew you cannot take your eyes of a leprechaun or you may lose their treasure. Tom then engages the leprechaun in a discussion about beer. The leprechaun claims that he can make beer out of heath which Tom claims is impossible. The leprechaun then tries to trick Tom into looking behind him at some cows. Tom almost takes his eyes off the leprechaun but at the last moment, he grabs the leprechaun and demands he show him his money or he will kill him. So he takes Tom to a field of boliauns and points out a specific bunch saying that's where his treasure is. Tom had to go back to get a spade so he tied a red garter around the specific bunch. Before Tom let the leprechaun go, he made him swear not to move the red garter. When Tom got back to the field he saw that every single bunch of boliauns had red garters around them.
Lesson: Leprechauns are tricky and you better be careful when you get promises from leprechauns.
Ideas: I like this story as is. It's a pretty traditional leprechaun trickery story. For my own story, I would probably do the same type of format but maybe bring it into modern day.
Story Source: This story is from Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs
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